Category Archives: Darwin
A possible frame for the Einstein novel
Today I read an article on Einstein that might provide a possible frame for the next book. I’m not far enough in to say for certain, but the article presents a possibility. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1211594-7,00.html The materials seem to be there, in print, translated … Continue reading
Posted in Darwin, Einstein, Einstein's children, family members, Mileva Maric, writing
The Trouble with Einstein
In 1912 Albert met Paul Ehrenfest, a physicist and teacher of compatible brilliance. Five years later, Ehrenfest had a son named Vassik born with Downs Syndrome, who in 1932 was institutionalized. By way of comfort, Albert told him, Valuable individuals … Continue reading
Posted in Darwin, Einstein, Einstein's children, family members, writing
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