Monthly Archives: August 2010
The Squirrely Place
I’m reading the biography, learning the science, and still, I’m in that awful, squirrely place where the locus of the novel refuses to emerge. I watched a Nova dvd over the weekend, one called Einstein Revealed, and am somewhat into … Continue reading
Posted in reading, writing
Regarding Lieserl
Despite having the highest grades in his graduating class at the Zurich Polytechnic, Einstein was unable to find a job after graduation. It was understood that such a student would become the assistant to one of the professors there, but … Continue reading
Posted in Einstein, Einstein's children, Mileva Maric
Acedia and Me, too
I’ve been reading Acedia by Kathleen Norris, a book about slothboth words so seldom used the computer software underlines them in red, as if each is a misspelling of some valid word. Called the Noonday Demon by the Desert Fathers, … Continue reading
Posted in writing
A possible frame for the Einstein novel
Today I read an article on Einstein that might provide a possible frame for the next book. I’m not far enough in to say for certain, but the article presents a possibility. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1211594-7,00.html The materials seem to be there, in print, translated … Continue reading
Posted in Darwin, Einstein, Einstein's children, family members, Mileva Maric, writing